Nature-Inspired Machine Learning (NIMI)

Research Associate
Nature-Inspired Machine Learning (NIMI)
Mohammad Rezaei Ravari completed his academic journey with a B.Sc.
Degree in Software Engineering from Vali-Asr University of Rafsanjan (2013) and an M.Sc.
Degree in Artificial Intelligence from Bahonar University of Kerman (2020).
He has been awarded the NHR Ph.D. fellowship for 2024.
His recent research has been focused on Feature Selection, Image Processing, Deep Neural Networks, and Large Language Models.
Mohammad Rezaei Ravari
Research Associate
Nature-Inspired Machine Learning (NIMI)
Mohammad Rezaei Ravari completed his academic journey with a B.Sc.
Degree in Software Engineering from Vali-Asr University of Rafsanjan (2013) and an M.Sc.
Degree in Artificial Intelligence from Bahonar University of Kerman (2020).
He has been awarded the NHR Ph.D. fellowship for 2024.
His recent research has been focused on Feature Selection, Image Processing, Deep Neural Networks, and Large Language Models.
Research Associate
Nature-Inspired Machine Learning (NIMI)
Mohammad Rezaei Ravari completed his academic journey with a B.Sc.
Degree in Software Engineering from Vali-Asr University of Rafsanjan (2013) and an M.Sc.
Degree in Artificial Intelligence from Bahonar University of Kerman (2020).
He has been awarded the NHR Ph.D. fellowship for 2024.
His recent research has been focused on Feature Selection, Image Processing, Deep Neural Networks, and Large Language Models.